Longitudinal Study: Cannabis Helps Reduce Cancer Symptoms in Israel
This study followed oncology patients that used medical cannabis for at least six months and was published in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research in May 2022.
Oncology patients from multiple clinics in Israel (between 2019 and 2021) with an average age of 64 participated in the observational study, with 59% identifying as women. Breast cancer was the most common diagnosis, followed by colon, lung and ovarian cancers. Almost half (48%) of the patients were categorized as stage 4 cancer. Oncologists reported on the patients' disease characteristics.
The most common administration method was sublingual tincture with an oil concentrate followed by smoking cannabis cigarettes, both with and without tobacco. These two types of administration accounted for 73% of the participants.
The starting average monthly dose was 2000mg THC and 1000mg CBD, (equivalent to 67mg THC and 33mg CBD per day on "day 1"), and increased to 3000mg THC and 1200mg CBD per month after 6 months (100mg THC and 40mg CBD per day).
The authors' conclusions:
"Most outcome measures improved significantly during MC [medical cannabis] treatment for most patients (p < 0.005)."
"The results of this study suggest that MC treatment is generally safe for oncology patients and can potentially reduce the burden of associated symptoms with no serious MC-related adverse effects."
For more details, the full-text study is here at FrontiersIn.org.