CBDV Phase 1 Clinical Trial shows promise for juvenile RETT Syndrome

Fifty to ninety percent of children with Rett Syndrome RTT have epilepsy, which is often drug-resistant. This phase 1 trial looked at the effects and safety of CBDV isolate and was published in the journal Epilepsia in April 2022.

The participants in the trial were all female children and were given a CBDV oral solution of 10mg/kg/day. This would be a dose of about 360mg CBDV per 80 lb. (36kg) child per day. The trial showed that the children showed a reduction in monthly seizures of between 7 and 32 per month.

"This corresponded to an overall reduction in seizure frequency from 32 to 7.2 seizures per month. No serious adverse events reported were related to CBDV. No significant change was noted in EEG or non-epilepsy-related symptoms of RTT."

The authors concluded that this regimen and dose of CBDV was well-tolerated and safe for pediatric RTT patients.

The full text article is here at the Wiley Online Library.
