Cannabis helps women with treatment-resistant Fibromyalgia (November 2022)
Patients with Fibromyalgia suffer with widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. It is believed that about 3% of the population suffers from fibromyalgia, with women outnumbering men by about 2 to 1.
This study was published in the journal Pain Practice in November 2022.
Included were 30 women ages 18-70 who suffered from fibromyalgia and had experienced no improvement through traditional pharmacological treatment.
In short: Quality of Life and general health improved significantly. In the author's words:
Cannabis treatment for 30 days showed a marked improvement in general quality of life, general health, physical health, and psychological domain.
Cannabis treatment in treatment-resistant fibromyalgia showed a marked improvement in general quality-of-life by 1.97 points out of a 5-point score and enhanced general health by 1.83
Reduction of 1.67 points in pain and discomfort, pain and fatigue (1.57), and an improvement of 2.13 points in activities of daily living
Results suggest a potentially significant role of Cannabis in treatment-resistant Fibromyalgia women.
The full text paper is here at the Wiley Online Library.